Friday, February 7, 2014

My Thoughts on Spearwood

Here are my reviews for Spearwood Academy. I actually started with episode three, which is I have posted them out of order.

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5.0 out of 5 stars extremely intriged January 1, 2014
By Dizzle
Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
I was lucky enough to have read about the free offer on goods today. I have not read episode 1 or two, but wanted to read this one anyway. If you do the same, don't worry. It is very easy to follow. The author is obviously very creative. Who would have thought to have a card turn into a girl that can morph into a laptop? I love that it has just the right amount of details. I hate when I read several pages describing one thing. This author us very descriptive, but doesn't over do the details, so you still get to create the image in you're head. The whole time I read, I was in the book world and not looking at my phones scene. I generally never buy anything under 300 pages because I'm cheap and feel as if I'm being robbed, but I think I'll have to make an exception for this series. The thought of not reading the rest of the series it's not a good one. I want it now! Unfortunately I'll have to wait 20 days before the next one is out. The only negatives sought this is that one of the sentence a towards the end got messed up. It had two words like the author was going to say one thing but changes their mind and write something else instead. It was easy to figure out the sentence though. The other is that it is short. I can't help that I like 500 pagers. But if you do not mind brief works, then you should definitely buy this. It'll be worth it.

Click here to get a copy.

5.0 out of 5 stars Saved from the Hands of Death January 3, 2014
By Dizzle
Format:Kindle Edition
Spearwood Academy Episode 1 is a wonderful start to the series. Avalon, a 15-year-old from Washington, is cursed to turn into a dragon every night. The transformation isn't fun to say the least. Imagine Landon Liboiron's transformation into a werewolf on Hemlock Grove.

Avalon is not the only dragon, but she's different from the others. It seems that everyone knows more about her and the curse than she does. She wants answers - needs them. When Spearwood Academy continues to hound her guardian, Edgar, into allowing her to attend their, currently all boys, school, Avalon and Edgar have to make decision. Will Avalon stay at the orchard with the only dad she's ever known, or will she move to another country in order to get the answers she would otherwise never get?

It's not an easy decision to make, and yet, Avalon has a solid head on her shoulders. She's tough. How could she not be after having to endure what others have been killed over? Even though she is strong, there is still this vulnerable and completely relatable side to her. She cries when she's upset, she licks the batter off spatulas, she watches her favorite movie over and over again.

This book will captivate you and take you to a place you never knew existed, so if you need to take load off and enter a world different from your own, click the buy button.I'm telling you, you won't regret it. 

5.0 out of 5 stars Escape to Spearwood: World of the Hotties! January 6, 2014
By Dizzle
Format:Kindle Edition
Avvi enters the world of Spearwood Academy where the boys are hot, but their manors are sucky. Not all of them are snobs, but they are entitled. Avvi doesn't understand how they can walk through life without appreciating the small things. At Spearwood, the dragon shape-shifters are waited on hand and foot and they never thank their servants.
I really like the track scene in this story and i want to find out why Avvi has a connection to Amr and if there will be any romance between her and Triton, the hot blonde that is a little full of himself and dared to step in her censored room. Let's just say there would be any late night sneaking around, because the sensors go off it a boy walks in. Expulsion probably isn't worth it. I'm really looking forward to the est of the series. This really is a must read. PS Mirren needs to go down!!! 
5.0 out of 5 stars Addicted February 7, 2014
By Dizzle
Format:Kindle Edition
Ok, so if you are one of those people who is a chronic addict of all things good, then you need to call your therapist and commit yourself, because you will become addicted. Walk away while you still can. Oh, you can't? I guess it's to late for you, you've already fallen prey to this series' greatness. If you're already addicted, you might as well indulge. From what I've notice, there is a new episode every month. Why not everyday, Miss Oren? I want more NOW!!!!!

So, about this particular episode (for those of you crawling out of the rock you've been under), you will get to see Avvi's spunky side. She's not the kind of girl who let's you tell her what to do. Then, you get to see her practice a little magic and upset someone who obviously needs to pull the stick out of their butt. You'll also get a taste of adventure, but as River song would say, "spoilers", so I will not tell you. There are definitely a few laugh out loud moments, one which has to do with Dante. Along with this, there is a hint of a future relationship between Avvi and two possible suitors. I prefer one over the other, but let's not go there, besides they are both hot.

Anyway, if you're still busy popping your back after digging yourself out of that hole, you need to click the buy button. Notices I said need, not want. You need this series.

Want a vice, chose this series and prepare for falling asleep on the couch (in a good way) and waking up with the phone or reading device still in your hand. Don't be afraid to take an extra long lunch break either, it'll be worth it. Even now, at 2:45am, with a paper due for my English class tomorrow, I've chosen to write this instead of doing my work. This series has come a priority in my life. Why not make it one of yours? 

5 out of 5 stars
February 23, 2014

Wow! Ok, Miss Oren, I want book 6 NOW!!!!!!!

This was the best episode yet, so much ACTION. *squeal*

She made the guys I didn't care for hot! I, myself, am a big Triton fan, but now she has me liking Dante too, and I'm even warming up to Horace, who I first pictured as a short kid with knee-high socks and birth control glasses. Now he's all muscular in my mind and "I'll be here for you Avvi." Seriously, when did they all become so hot!!!!

Lots of stuff to love about this episode. It picks up right after the end of episode 4, where they find out who Avvi will be teamed up with for the survival challenge. The boys, who seem to know a ton about Avvi (that she hasn't told them), want to protect Avvi and have her do some training exercises. Well, they find out she's a lot tougher than they think during their training, and even Avvi is surprised by what she can do.

The challenge itself is very action filled and one of my favorite parts was where she used The Voice on Mirren, the bully of the school so to speak. I was doing my happy dance. As if accidentally scarring his face wasn't bad enough, she now took a shot at his pride, Is anyone else secretly, or not so secretly, hoping that under some strange circumstances, Mirren turns out to be the good guy and Avvi winds up with him? Maybe I have some weird sort of complex where I want to put the wrong people together, but hey, if anyone could bring out the good in Mirren, it would be Avvi, and who wouldn't want her, especially after this episode.

Ok, so let's talk about Avvi, she's been pretty awesome so far, but now she is freakin' amazing. This girl has some you know what and she is not backing down from a challenge. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. The academy thinks they can throw her off guard and destroy her in more ways than one, but she socks it to them when she proves she will do whatever it takes to survive.

The end was a real shock too. Who the heck is "You!" I want to know. NOW!!!!!! But I guess I'll have to way until March 20th to find out. Why can't these come out everyday? I want the goods! I'm starting to sound like and addict, and I'm accepting the fact that I am. Miss Oren better be glad I live halfway across the country, or I would be banging on here door screaming, "Hey, you done yet? You done yet? How about now? Can I have just a snippit, something to hold me over? Please, Miss Oren? Please...? Please...? PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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A.S. Oren and her series never disappoint.

FREE!!!! Get your copy of Spearwood Academy today!!!

Starting tonight and lasting through the 9th, you can receive a copy of Spearwood Academy Episode 3 for FREE. Click here to start your epic adventure.

Want the other episodes? No problem, you can get them for only $0.99 each.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5 will be out before March!

An Interview with A.S. Oren, author of the Spearwood Acedemy Series

Who is your favorite author?
Tough question. It’s a tossup, really. I love J.K. Rowling because she created the Harry Potter series and without that series, I wouldn’t be sitting here answering this question. I would probably be doing something entirely different with my life. For inspiration and sheer joy of reading their work? I would have to go with Stephen King as my favorite author.

How do you describe your writing style?
I write in first person present tense, but I have a deep desire to one day write a series in third person omniscient, I just haven’t thought up the right plot yet. I like to play around with dialogue and give the characters unique dialogue quirks. Like Edgar Clementine, he is Avalon’s adoptive father, he has a Scottish and American accent, I try to show that with words like: You/Ya To/ta me/mi this/tis your/yar 

Use no more than two sentences. Why should we read your book?
It deals with hot boys, boarding school and a strong female lead (who is a Nerd at heart). You get dragons, mermaids, werewolves and the supernatural, need I say more?

Have any of your characters been modeled after yourself?
Yes, even if it’s egotistical to say. I think every story has at least one, if not more, characters that embody some aspect of the author’s personality. Avalon, is very much like myself in a lot of ways, though I don’t have her temper and I’m not as blunt as she can be.

If you could exchange lives with any of your characters for a day which character would you choose and why?
Vivian, she hasn’t appeared yet. She will debut in episode 13 and will have her own spin off series. She’s a mermaid trapped in New York’s Little China. I like her, she’s spunky and sarcastic, plus she’s a mermaid. Fun fact: Her name is inspired by The Lady of the Lake from the Arthurian Legend, she’s the fifth character in the series to have a name connected to it.

What books have most influenced your life?
I think I answered this in first question, but to add onto Harry Potter, I would have to say On Writing by Stephen King and Elements of Style by Struck and William. I cannot recommend the last two enough, if you want to hone your writing, read them.

If you could select one book that you could rewrite and add your own unique twist on, which book would that be and why?
I can’t think of any, at least not right now.

Beatles or Monkees? Why?
Beatles, hands down.
Who should play you in a film of your life?
Ellen Page. I love her, plus I think she could pull me of.